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Silicon Valley Office

Our office is located in Plug and Play an accelerator that hosts some of the most important technology companies in the field.


Pro-Baja Silicon valley office offers the Baja California Business and Innovation community a working and networking physical space that includes


  • Offices

  • Conference rooms

  • Networking events

  • Coffee shops

  • Parking

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The Development of Projects within High Technology Sectors (electronics, software, biotechnology among others )


To facilitate investment opportunities between Baja California , Mexico and the United States


To link established companies from Baja California to high technology value chains and the thriving ecosystem of Silicon Valley


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Face to face business contact and virtual management/operation in various sites working both temporarily and permanently


Full participation of both public and private entities with the goal of creating a partnership between both countries.

  • State Government of Baja California

  • Municipal Governments

  • Promotional Agencies

  • Business Entities

  • Educational Institutions

  • Innovation Centers





Rodolfo Andrade

Phone: 52 686-216-3629



440 N Wolfe Rd, Sunnyvale, CA 94085

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